"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!


Keep Checking Back, I'll be adding more often and as requested!*


Please make sure you have good form when doing any of these exercises. That is so important or you can hurt yourself. Also, pay attention to your RPE** and always warm up before starting for about 5-10 minutes in low impact cardio.
Do each for 40 seconds and move immediatly to the next until the circut is through. Recover for a minute and repeat up to two times.

1. Butt Kicks
2.Jump Squats
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Military Knee Ups
5. Donkey kicks
6. Push Ups
7. Burpees


I always start with warming up and a light stretch before starting any of my workouts. You may need to alter these to your ability level. If you have a treadmill that inclines, you can adjust that to make it more difficult for you, but, when starting I highly recommend taking it easy, take your time. Make sure you have proper shoes, :)  It's more important to pay attention to your RPE ** than to your speed or time. If you're beginning, use this as a guide. Its ok if you're walking at 2.5 and jogging (instead of running) at 3.5. Go at your own pace.

MINUTES          STRIDE                SPEED                    RPE**
0-2                       walking               3.0 or lower                   3
2-5                       walking               3.6  or higher                  5
6-8                       jogging                4.0 or higher                 6-7
8-10                     walking               3.6 or higher                   5
10-12                   running                5.0 or higher                 7-8
12-13                   jogging                4.0 or higher                 6-7
13-15                   walking               3.6 or higher                   5
15-17                   jogging                4.0 or higher                 6-7
17-20                   walking               3.6 or higher                   5
20-22                   running                5.0 or higher                 7-8
22-26                   jogging                4.0 or higher                 6-7
26-30                   walking               3.6 or lower                  3-4

* Do not do anything without first consulting with your doctor. I'm not a Dr. and am not liable.
** Rate of percieved exertion

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