"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

My Latest Workout

This is my most recent workout that I've been doing. I love it. Warm up first and cool down/stretch out after. Please make sure you have good form when you do these (or any exercise), if your form isn't right on, you can get some not fun injuries. That's just not fun.

Day 1 Leg Day

Glute Kickbacks
Barbell Squats
Dumbbell Lunge (forward)
Dumbbell Lunge (side)
Calf Raises
Wall Sits
Hip Abduction
Sumo Squats


Day 2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Bench Press
Chest Press + Alternating
Shoulder Press
Front Deltoids Raise
Side Deltoids Raise
Rear Deltoids Raise
One Arm Standing Triceps Ext.
Triceps Dips

Core Work: in a circuit: Crunches, Oblique crunches, Bicycle, Reverse crunches, Hip Raises, Plank. Repeat 1-2 times.

Day 3 Back & Bicep Day

Floor Cobra
Arm Pullover
Bent Over Alternating Dumbbell Row
Barbell Deadlift
Chin Ups
Pull Ups
Barbell Shrugs
Barbell Row
Curls (front)
Curls (side)
Hammer Curls


So each day, has 2-3 sets (I do 3). Depending on your goals you will do fewer or more reps. I use a heavier weight and do about 6-8 reps for each (body weight ones, such as the glute kickback, I do 20). If you don't like the treadmill switch it out for elliptical, walking outside or plyometrics (or any other fun cardio!)
These exercises can also be done without weights, just do the proper motion and focus on the muscle group you're working and your form. I rotate through these, but I end up doing them 1ce a week and take Sunday for complete rest. The first 2 weeks I did it, I exercised every day except Sunday and rotated through my days. Now, I'm lifting heavier and have to have an extra day of rest from lifting. I do run on my "off day". Challenge yourself, but don't over do it. Let me know!

*Droid has a lot of great fitness apps showing you different exercises. I'm using fitness buddy right now to show people proper form and I've found that they do have most exercises on there.

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