"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I'm going to spend a little extra time with this one, it is one of my favorites! I personally always buy raw ginger and I always peel my ginger. Ground ginger is used in baking typically, but, has a very different flavor from the whole root. Raw ginger is typically more pungent and has a hotter flavor (until it's cooked). Some great ways to use it, obviously, stir fries and curries. I like to add it to marinades and to broccoli or carrots. If you like to juice your fruits- try juicing it with some apples and carrots! Another delicious way to serve it is in a homemade salad dressing with olive oil and garlic.
Another great thing about ginger- it has a history of being used as a traditional medicine (although, please check with your Dr.!) Here is a list of some of the things ginger can do!

*warming and invigorating effect on your body
* can boost poor circulation
* can relieve arthritic and rheumatic joint pain & sports related muscle pains
* helps cellulite and varicose veins
*ginger tea promotes sweating, can lower a high temp and relieve flu symptoms. Also helps clear congestion and chest infections (like bronchitis)
* has antiseptic properties
* can prevent motion sickness and nausea
* calms digestive system
* can ease toothaches
* speeds digestion
* can thin blood (anti coagulant)
* can be used to lower blood pressure & cholesterol
* contains antioxidants, can help prevent some forms of cancer
* stimulates the lives and helps eliminate harmful toxins

That's a long list!! Do you see why I love it? So, next time you're at the store- here is what you need to know. Choose one that is firm and smooth to the touch. Don't buy one that looks dried out, wilted or cracked. Try not to keep it in the fridge- it makes it mold pretty quickly. I keep mine in a dry place, away from most foods- it can leave its flavor behind.

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