"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Need to tighten your midsection?

If you have loose skin around your midsection, you're not alone. It happens to all of us. Especially with that Twinkies craze! I won't lie, I got a twinkie too. But, now what....

To tighten up loose skin around your waist you need to get some muscle there to fill out the space a little. How do you do that? Weight training & core work.
Also, if you're not already drinking a protein shake, Whey Isolate is a good one for this. If you do that and eat about 3 or 4 servings a day of colorful vegetables and about 2 servings a fruit per day, it'll help build collagen. Goodbye loose skin!

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