"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tip of the Day

You CAN'T exercise off a bad diet. Won't happen. If you eat candy and soda all day, sorry to tell you, you won't ever have those six pack abs... or be firm for that matter. If you can push yourself to make it to the gym, or finish your workout, why can't you push yourself to eat how you should? Its REALLY not that hard, and once you get used to it, it really is delicious. I know from experience, I am after all a "recovering junk food junkie" :)  I will say, some people can handle a small cheat meal or snack, about 1ce a week. I personally have a hard time with that, but everyone is different.

Tip Of the Day

Maps out your steps to success. Be specific in your goals. Make some weekly, bi-weekly, and longer term goals. Accomplishing short term goals helps you to remember you're getting somwhere in your effort! Those who do are 6 times more likely to follow through. "Flexible" thinking leads to perfectionism, procrastination, etc.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Effort and Results

Yesterday, we talked about focus. Today we're going to talk about effort. I realize you're trying, but are you really doing your best? Are you sore the next day after a workout? If not, then its not a workout! The last 3 reps should be hard to do (but still done in good form, even if you have to do a short pause before the last few reps). I saw a study where when given a choice, a person will choose a weight that's lighter than they need.

Also, don't up your reps AND your weights at the same time. Either use heavy weights or more reps, don't change them both at the same time. To build muscle (ladies, don't be scared, unless you're taking a steroid of some kind, you won't look masculine) stay in an 8-12 rep range. To lean out, use a lighter weight and more reps- 15-25. Muscles keep body parts where you want them and they're beautiful. Building muscle also burns more calories than cardio alone. If you're only doing cardio, you risk becoming "skinny fat", which means, you may look great in a swimsuit, but risk having all the health problems of someone obese. But, more on that later.

Lastly, food intake. All calories are NOT created equal. Your body wants nutrients, and will continue to feel hungry if you're feeding it junk because, lets face it, little to no nutrients in them. Those little handful of tiny candies that look like nothing, and that "nonfat" flavored mocha... those calories add up quickly. Ranch and some tartar sauces for instance have 16 grams of fat in 2 T. For a sauce? Is it worth it? No workout can fix a bad diet. You've heard people say "I'll work it off later" when they eat a candy bar or something- nope doesn't work that way. If you're going to put in the time and effort, get results! It takes discipline and self control. But, its a lifestyle we as Christians should become accustomed to anyways, right?

Bottom line, if you want your effort to give you great results:
1. Watch those little handfuls of food, and finishing the food off your kids plates.
2. Make sure you're using the proper weight and number of reps, and
3. Push yourself (but, not so hard that you're in an unhealthy heart rate zone!).

If you love ranch (as I used to) and find it hard to let go of, check out our seasoning page and play around with the different flavors you can create. I'll keep adding more and more seasoning and how to use them to help you. 

The Perfect Salad

This is my very favorite salad. Its got protien- salmon and egg, if you don't eat meat, use tofu or tempeh. I love that the egg and feta add a nice slightly creamy texture. I've been eating these for lunch and sharing with my kids for lunch. Even they love it! I use the cherry tomatoes, but regular tomatoes, chopped would be wonderful. Tomatoes is something, I personally ALWAYS buy organic. Best part about a salad, pick and choose what you want in it. Add some chopped bell pepper, hot sauce or onion.

2 oz. Salmon, cooked
1 boiled egg, chopped
1 t. capers
handful sunflower seeds
1 T. craisins
1 T. feta cheese
about 1 handful of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), optional
2 Mushrooms, thinly sliced, or chopped
Lentil/Broccoli Sprouts - I like a lot!
Cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
Orange wedges, in pieces and cut bite sized-optional
1 T Olive oil or Flax Oil
3 t. balsamic vinegar

Put ingredients over top of any combination of mixed greens, spinach, watercress and/or romaine. Enjoy!

Tip Of the Day

Postitive thinking goes a long way. Don't think about how far you have to go. Think about the good choices you've made. If you're in the mirror: see the body you're working for, not the imperfections you don't like. Yes, its hard work. But, happiness is a choice. There will always be something going on; thats life. Thank God for the problems in life and by doing so, you're giving Him control over them. He'll take care of them.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


" I will mediate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds." Psalm 77:12

He made a conscious decision to focus on God. Does it read "I might think about Him today if I have time"? God is worth focusing on because nothing compares to Him. When do you think about Him- When you wake up? Before bed? During breakfast and coffee? When you're running or lifting?

No schedule is too hectic for Him. Pray Continually. The way I remind myself is sticky notes. You can put a sticky note with a friend's name who has a prayer request on your mirror. If you start to worry, pray. When you're working out and your mind is wandering, or you don't want to hear the music, pray. If you're running and need to clear your head, pray. I challenge you to start your morning focusing on God, for a week and see how you're different.  Focus on God first and foremost.

Another place you need to focus: when you're lifting. Focus on the muscle group as you're doing the motion. For instance, if you're doing a plank focus on your core (abs, glutes etc.). If you're doing a curl, focus on your bicep. You'll have better results when you focus on your motion. Which, I guess is the point. Focus in the gym, and you'll get better form and better results. More importantly, focus on God and your life will have better results.

Tip Of The Day

Don't forget to breathe. Oxygen is necessary for all sorts of things in exercise, especially aerobic/cardio. gets your energy going and . So we don't want short, shallow breaths. Now- deep breath in, and breathe out. When you're lifting weights, breathe out on the "hard part". When you're doing a crunch, breathe out when you're up and your stomach is contracted. You'll feel much better because this helps relieve stress and anxiety too. Also, make sure you're breathing from your stomach and not your chest.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prayer Request

My sincerest prayers go out to Bob "tough love" Kennedy, his amazing wife- Tosca, and his family. They've been a huge inspiration in all I've learned with fitness and clean eating. Bob is losing his battle with lung cancer, so I ask that you join me in prayer for him and his family.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guide to Seasonings

If you haven't noticed, we added a new tab - Guide to Seasonings. I'll be updating this regularly, and adding a recipe or two with each of the seasonings I add that day so you know a way to use it. Enjoy :)

Tip Of the Day

Limit your intake of red meat to up to3x a week. Also, remember when you're picking out meat- its quality over quantity. Look for words "round" or "loin" in the name. For instance, eye of round, sirloin steak, tenderloin, top round steak, top round roast, etc. 1 serving is 3-4 oz- about the size of a deck of cards or your palm. Think of the veggies as the main course and your meat as a side.

Tofu Mock Egg Salad

I'm trying to get you to understand how to use seasonings, I'll keep posting recipes to go with the seasonings I'm posting :) 

There are so many ways to make a tofu mock egg salad- use this recipe as a base.

Mash up a block of extra-firm tofu or chop it into small cubes. Add a couple tbsp. mayonnaise (or veganaise if you prefer), a finely minced clove of garlic, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, a good spoonful or two of mustard and 1/4 tsp. turmeric and stir well. Salt and pepper to taste, and add more vinegar or mayo if necessary. If you want it crunchier add chopped onion, celery, bell pepper and dill pickles. ( I like the crunchy version)