"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Smoothies

Pictured:  Strawberries, Cherries, Cucumber and Spinach Green Smoothie

Here are great greens for smoothies:
dandelion greens (lots of calcium)             lettuce                celery               watercress            mustard greens
turnip greens               carrot tops           broccoli               asparagus             cabbage            Brussels sprouts
collard greens         kale (great source of calcium)
Then add some fruits like:
pears           bananas               grapefruit              cherries          pineapple         kiwi            blueberries
raspberries          strawberries          watermelon        cucumber        apples          oranges
You can add anything to a green smoothie! Options are endless. My personal favorite is Spinach, Kale, Stawberries and cucumber.  And a great blender is priceless. I have a magic bullet blender and I use it for everything!

Heres a sample green smoothie recipe for you to use as a base.


2-3 fruits
1 "watery" vegtable like cucumber, celery, or squash
1 Large bunch of greens

Blend fruits, then watery vegtables then greens. Can add water to desired consistancy if you like :)

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