Why do I exercise? Find your reasons behind it, and you'll find your motivation.
If you're doing it for the wrong reasons- to look good at the beach, or any other cosmetic reason- likely, you'll fall off the weight bench (so to speak) :)
The same is true with a diet. I was the queen of non-commitment! But when you finally reach the point of realizing what could happen to you if you don't change your lifestyle ( or just being sick of not feeling good, etc)- you get great motivation.
If you think of your diet as temporary, starving or depriving yourself, MOST people will quit. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Allow yourself 1 cheat meal, or snack. ( 1 NOT A WHOLE DAY, personally, I have to be all or nothing, I can't have a cheat snack even!)
Find what sets you off to want those chips, or that brownie. Then, find alternatives that really will work for you. Things you'll actually want to eat. Think of your reasons, your motivation for exercise.
Here are my top 2:
1- Its my time with God. I don't know what "job" he has for me, but He's given me a passion for this I havent' been able to ignore (for about 4 years and going...)
2- My mom. She had a lot of health problems, and she couldn't but would've loved to run.
A great place to start if you want to know more about fitness and health. We love to answer your questions and help if you need new ideas for a good meal for your diet plan. Or, if you want a healthy workout and exercises we want to help! Providing you with the steps for healthy eating for fitness to meet your goals in a faith based way!
"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!
Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!
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