"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Be Thankful!

In everything: BE THANKFUL! Thank Jesus for your problems. Let HIM make friends with them and turn them into something wonderful! Thank Him for your weak body! We weren’t made it do it on our own.
I don’t necessarily like what I can’t do, and sometimes, it’s hard to admit I can’t do it! Especially when I’m sick or after a break. But I’m always amazed at what I can do when I ask for His help. When I am on the treadmill, it’s “our” time. Whether its worship or prayer time, it’s always our time, and before I know it- a mile is done! Time goes so fast, and sometimes we’re not done, so I add another mile. If you don’t like running- I do this thru weight lifting too.
Our weak bodies, are another example, or more evidence, of our dependence and need for the Lord. But with time spent with Jesus, running, swimming, weight lifting, or whatever I do that day… I know that He’s shaping me into the creation He intended me to be and for the job He’ll have me do.
My day changes after time spent with Jesus too!  My mood changes, I’m using His strength for my day now! It’s like your car- it needs filled with gas to go- I need filled up too. He isn’t limited by time, and some days I can’t figure out how I got everything done, but when I take the time, even a few minutes, He molds my day, He takes care of what I can’t do and it’s wonderful. <3
"Lord, thank you for our weaknesses. Thank you for your strength that gets us through our days and makes them wonderful. Help us to keep our thoughts fixed on you, and mold us and our day to your will. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

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