"... You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Taking care of the bodies God gave us through worship, prayer, healthy eating and fitness!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lettuce Wraps

What I love about lettuce wraps is I can use what I have an hand. I love these. Sometimes we put chicken in them, rice and beans, sometimes we do all 3 and they're always SO good. I think of these like tacos with lettuce instead of the shell.

Romaine Lettuce leaves, rinsed well

 Choices of filling: ( I suggest chopping the vegtables instead of slicing- otherwise, its harder to eat!)
Rice and Beans            Chicken, Shrimp, Cod or Beef          onions             cilantro           tomatoes          cucumber             mushrooms             bell pepper            carrots            potatoes            ginger          sprouts              peas              jalepenos           green onion          garlic               broccoli        avacado                                                   .....the list is endless!

My favorite combos:
Cod with cucumber, cilantro, tomatoes, green onion topped with hot sauce and lime juice
Chicken cooked with garlic, onion, bell pepper, bbq or cajun seasoning, add to lettuce: mushrooms and hot sauce
Rice and beans with jalepenos, tomatoes, cilantro, bell pepper, fresh onion, avacado, smokey chili hot sauce and lime juice

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